Oracle & Fixing

Price Feeds and Settlement for SuperVol options

Price feed from Pyth

  • SuperVol uses Pyth, a pull-based oracle for crypto market data, for the fair calculation of options.

  • Pyth Price Feeds are used for the Start Price and End Price of each rounds.

  • SuperVol binary options contract references the Pyth prices to determine user's trade results.

Display-wise, SuperVol uses chart data from TradingView BTCUSD / ETHUSD charts.

However, actual fixing and settlement is made in Pyth price feeds. We advise that users only view charts as a reference.

Round Fixing & Settlement

1 Hour Option

Due to complexities in round fixing (including blockchain latency, market fluctuations, smart contract risk), orders with less than 1 minute left before expiry have a high risk of failure. It is recommended that users place orders with enough time remaining.

  • The price of each coin/token at 00 minutes @ every hour will be used for the fixings of SuperVol's 1 Hour options.

  • More precisely, SuperVol listens to the Pyth price of HH:00:00 at HH:00:10 every hour.

  • By structure, the End Price of Round 'N' will be used for the Start Price of Round 'N+1'. Failure in Pyth price retrieval leads to an error in both ending one round and starting a new one.

  • Due to various reasons (i.e. delay/shutdown of Pyth, Ethereum or L2 network), SuperVol may fail to retrieve fixing prices.

    • For example, SuperVol fails to fetch the End Price for Round 'N'

    • SuperVol will retry every 2 minutes (ex. HH:02:10 / HH:04:10/ ...)

    • Until Round 'N' is fixed, the opening of Round 'N+1' will be delayed (No Start Price).

    • If the issue persists for 60 minutes, Round 'N+1' will be cancelled.

    • Afterwards, SuperVol will search the Start Price for Round 'N+2' and if successful, trading will be functional from Round 'N+2'

  • Regardless of the operation of other rounds, SuperVol will attempt fixing of Round 'N' for a maximum of 24 hours (=Max. 720 attempts)

    • If fixing fails even after 24 hours, all participation amount in Round 'N' will be paid back to the participants.

Last updated